Monday, January 7, 2013

Sadie 1-7

Food Consumed:
           Breakfast: half a bag of dried apples, vitamin gummy
                      Lunch: half a salad, half a brownie
                                 Dinner: vitamin gummy

  • Walked 1/2 mile
  • 50 calf raises
  • Cardio workout DVD


  1. I'm pretty sure that vitamin gummy's don't count as a meal. And you need to eat more.

  2. Since I exercise less I am trying to cut down on my food!

  3. But if you don't eat at least your basic meals, your body goes into starvation mode and actually holds onto every calorie and you will actually not lose any weight at all. Your body needs fuel. If you just eat your three meals you'll be fine!

    And especially if you're exercising your body needs fuel!

  4. What If what i eat for lunch though is a lot of calories it should cover dinner?

    1. A half a salad and a brownie? No that is not enough calories! If you want to keep your metabolism going you need to eat regularly, not all in one shot! And the more exercise the more fuel you need.

  5. I don't think you ate enough for lunch to cover your daily 1200 calories. Listen to Kari
