Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Brigham 1/8 and 1/7

Breakfast - Banana, two packets of oatmeal prepared with 2% milk, cup of hot chocolate with a shot of hazelnut creamer and some milk to cool it down
Lunch - Ziti Parmesean, yogurt, peas.
Dinner - Veggie Stir fry with Rice
Snacks - nuts, chocolate, M&Ms a peppermint hug several cups of water and one cup of grapefruit juice

Workout - ~30 minutes walk/run - a little over 2 miles

Let's see what I remember - A blueberry bagel with nothing on it, a bowl of oatmeal like the one described above, an apple, a Cup-of-Soup with a Lipton Spring Veggie Mix soup packet mixed in, nuts, M&Ms chocolate, two egg breakfast burritos with spinach and cheese, peas two cups of grapefruit juice (~12oz each)

Exercise - 15 minute walk - .5 mile


  1. Don't forget the goal this week, try to keep your sugar down to one thing. Hooray for exercise!

  2. The breakfasts sound so good!!!

  3. Good job for exercising, I know you don't like to.
